Heaven on Earth Is A Choice

by Eric | April 3, 2020 | Articles & Books

Heaven On Earth is a Choice we each can make.  It is a Choice that has always been here.  We have just not been awakened to this fear of fear or have been afraid to accept all of who we are as Unconditional Love to make this other Choice Available.  After thousands of years of being in the bondage to a growing extra fear, created by our fear of fear, we have evolved enough to make this other Choice Available.  This other Choice comes when this level of extra fear rises to a point the ego cannot deny our bodies experience of it.  We have a special opportunity right now because we as a human race are all experiencing the same fear.  It is an opportunity for all of us to acknowledge this fear together.


In acknowledging our fear we see how we are connected by our fear.  We are connected by both our love and fear.  Whether it is our love or our fear that is connecting us they are both a part of Unconditional Love.  When we embrace our love and fear we see that we are truly connected by this Unconditional Love. When we embrace our love and fear we can see ourselves and others as Unconditional Love.  We become a human race enjoying a healthy balance between our love and fear that creates the beauty and diversity we experience as a human race.  We can live our individual expression of this Unconditional Love without projecting our fear of fear into the world.  We can manifest a Heaven on Earth together for all future generations.  Heaven on Earth is a Choice we each can make and it is a Choice that is Available right now!


Do we continue creating extra fear in the world through our fear of fear or do we make this other Choice Available for all human beings?  Do we leave all this growing extra fear in the world to the next generations or do we make this Choice now because it is Available?  We have an Opportunity to choose the ever growing hell that we are creating through our fear of fear or the Heaven on Earth that is right here right now!  The Choice is Ours.

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Eric Bonnici

Eric Bonnici is the father of two daughters, a public speaker, workshop leader, entrepreneur, Applied Meditation Counselor/Trainer, certified Qi Gong Trainer/Healer, and a Black belt in Judo. He is the originator and consultant for Open Heart Marketing®️ and is the founder of Living Unconditionally®️ a non-profit educational organization.

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© Copyrights by Eric Bonnici. All Rights Reserved.