Eric Bonnici (Kyosei Daiji - ordained name) is a husband, the father of two daughters, a public speaker, workshop leader, entrepreneur, Applied Meditation Counselor/Trainer, certified Qi Gong Trainer/Healer, and a Black belt in Judo. He is the originator and consultant for Open Heart Marketing®️ and is the founder of Living Unconditionally®️ a non-profit educational organization.
Eric is the owner of 4 Total E LLC a marketing, consulting, and publishing company. He has authored the books “Accepting My Fear With Love: Original Articles”, “Unconditional Love®️: Understanding the Psychology and Embodied daily Life Practice of Unconditional Love®️” , “I AM LOVE: The Next Step in Our Evolution”, "Living a Sensational Life: Embracing the Experience of Being Human", and “Purpose Passion Pleasure: The Life Of A Jedai Priest”. He has also created “Awakening Soul: 10 ways to free the spirit” a 12 disc audio/video series and Online Training, "Living a Sensational life" online training, “Purpose Passion Pleasure: 5 Days To Enlightenment” online training, "Experience Unconditional Love” online training", "Processing Fear with Unconditional Love" online training, "Living Unconditionally - Unconditioning the human" live training and "The Way to Heaven on Earth” online System.